We have implemented an organisational design programme, which is enabling the production of copper cathode per employee to over two tons.
Cobalt and Copper Our Core Assets
Eurasian Resources Group has been a major player in Africa's Copperbelt for many years.
The company is committed to the region and continues to invest in its mining operations. In particular, ERG is at the nexus of the China-led ‘Belt and Road Initiative’, which provides key input to bridging the infrastructure gap on the continent by coordinating the finance and specialist expertise necessary to drive major industrial projects. We have excellent relationships with our long-term Chinese partners.
In the DRC, ERGA mines cobalt and copper, processing the ore at Boss Mining, Frontier Mine and Comide. We have a number of development projects and near-production assets in the DRC including Metalkol RTR, which is a comprehensive hydro-metallurgical facility. Chambishi Metals, located in Zambia, is ERGA's central cobalt and copper refinery.