On 14 June 2018, Metalkol RTR reached the milestone of 10 000 000 Lost Time Injury (LTI) free hours.
The project’s senior management, together with ERG Group CEO Benedikt Sobotka, commended at a joint mass meeting all employees and contractors’ considerable efforts in reaching this momentous milestone.
In August 2017, a significant milestone was achieved when the project reached five million LTI-free hours. The last time an LTI occurred at Metalkol RTR was on 8 May 2015.
From inception, the Metalkol RTR project was supported by safety systems and procedures developed specifically for ERGA. Critical tasks and associated procedures were identified and developed into training programmes, which all employees and contractors undertook based on their specific areas of work.
The process of embedding the safety standards did not happen overnight – staff had to overcome cultural differences and language barriers. Four different native languages are spoken on site: Swahili; French; Chinese and English.