ERG Africa at DRC Mining Week 2019

ERG Africa was a gold sponsor of the DRC Mining Week held from 19 to 21 June at the Pullman Lumbumbashi Grand Karavia Hotel. This year our stand proudly displayed ERG’s pledge to produce clean cobalt responsibly. Our exhibition featured a large media wall outlining the Clean Cobalt Framework’s seven goals, together with the Clean Cobalt brochure.

Luck Mumba on the right (Head of Community and Responsible Mining Development) held the ERG Africa flag high. He participated in a panel discussion session: The CSR experience: Lessons from Kibali Gold; Mining Initiatives: The relationship between artisanal miner, mining operators and subcontracting. Other panel participants included Bernard Wakomina Eku (Administrative Director, Securico); Cyrille Mutombo (Director, Kibali); Ahmed Kalj Kant (Managing Director, Autorité de Régulation de la Sous-traitance) and Alain Brett Richards (Chairman – Chief Executive Officer, Banro).