ERG Africa first launched its Industrial Hygiene Programme at Frontier Mine in December 2017, after which Boss Mining and Chambishi Metals implemented it in 2018. In June this year, Metalkol RTR followed in the others’ footsteps.
The programme is aimed at eliminating occupational illness and creating workplaces that promote well-being. We monitor the environment for exposure to various stressors/parameters and apply the results to the training of employees, as well as contractors, on available control measures to minimise their exposure to potentially harmful substances.
Each of our entities has an Exposure Assessment Plan, which also includes the correct use of personal protective equipment (PPE). The launch at Metalkol RTR included the measurement of the following stressors/parameters: respirable dust and crystalline silica (quartz); acid mist; noise; metal particulates (cadmium, arsenic, hexavalent chromium, lead) and ionizing radiation. The programme is set to include ergonomic factors such as hand-arm vibration (HAV), as well as the detection of organic compounds (VOCs).