Metalkol RTR’s Industrial Hygiene Programme

ERG Africa first launched its Industrial Hygiene Programme at Frontier Mine in December 2017, after which Boss Mining and Chambishi Metals implemented it in 2018. In June this year, Metalkol RTR followed in the others’ footsteps. The programme is aimed at eliminating occupational illness and creating workplaces that promote well-being. We monitor the environment for…

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Nationals vs Expats soccer match on DRC’s Independence Day

30 June marked the 59th anniversary of the DRC’s independence. True to their team spirit, our colleagues at Metalkol RTR celebrated the day with an energetic soccer match between the nationals and expats. The nationals won with a final score of 4-2. The DRC faces a range of important social and economic challenges. Central to…

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ERG Africa at DRC Mining Week 2019

ERG Africa was a gold sponsor of the DRC Mining Week held from 19 to 21 June at the Pullman Lumbumbashi Grand Karavia Hotel. This year our stand proudly displayed ERG’s pledge to produce clean cobalt responsibly. Our exhibition featured a large media wall outlining the Clean Cobalt Framework’s seven goals, together with the Clean…

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Metalkol RTR celebrates cultural diversity

World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development took place on 21 May. The United Nations proclaimed this a special day, as they strongly believe that “bridging the gap between cultures is urgent and necessary for peace, stability and development.” True to their motto – Pamoja Tuta Weza – our Metalkol RTR colleagues also…

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Partnering for vocational training

In the DRC, Frontier Mine successfully partners with Institut National De Preparation Professionnelle (INPP), the government’s institution for vocational/professional training. INPP’s state-of-the art training equipment and experienced trainers assist our staff to stay updated on all of the latest industry technology, enabling them to apply their newly learnt competencies efficiency. In 2018, the various teams…

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Advanced Industrial Firefighting

In April, Frontier Mine’s Emergency Response Team (ERT) completed hands-on training in Advanced Industrial Firefighting presented by Emergency Training Solutions in Vereeniging, South Africa. This course forms part of the team’s extensive upskilling in emergency rescue. Our colleagues at Frontier Mine were exposed to many scenarios simulating actual emergencies. These sessions transformed the team into…

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Celebrating children internationally

The 1st of June 2019 marks International Children’s Day, while on 12 June 2019 it is World Day Against Child Labour. The development of viable, practical alternatives to child labour has been a major challenge across the global mining sector for some time. We are proud to be able to say that ERG is now…

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ERG AFRICA INTERVIEW: “The DRC is a cornerstone of ERG’s copper and cobalt business”

Publication: Exclusive interview with Mr Patrick Mulumba, President Directeur General at ERG Africa’s Metalkol RTR project in the Haut-Katanga province. ERG Africa is a gold sponsor at the upcoming DRC Mining Week in Lubumbashi from 19-21 June. Welcome back to DRC Mining Week! You have been a much valued, longstanding partner of the event. Why…

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DRC Mining Week attracts key role players

Publication: Mining Review AfricaDate: 6 May 2019Author: Laura Cornish With more than 180 companies exhibiting at DRC Mining Week, the event will once again provide an open dialogue between government, mining operators and technologies services providers to strengthen productivity in the region. Mining Review Africa asked a few exhibitors about their participation in the event.…

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Mining responsibly and changing lives in the DRC

Publication: Mining Review AfricaDate: 6 May 2019Author: Gerard Peter Responsible, sustainable mining and giving back to communities. These are the tenets of Eurasian Resources Group’s (ERG) mining operations in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). CEO BENEDIKT SOBOTKA speaks to GERARD PETER about the company’s efforts in contributing to a low carbon economy and uplifting…

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