Eurasian Resources Group has designed the clean cobalt and copper initiative to ensure that customers can purchase cobalt and copper with confidence.
The Clean Cobalt & Copper Framework
The fast-evolving transition towards a low carbon economy is driving a rapid increase in demand for cobalt and copper, key materials used in the production of batteries and renewable energy sources. ERG’s Metalkol RTR in the DRC is the world’s second largest standalone producer of cobalt and a key producer of copper. This means that ERG has a responsibility to promote and ensure the sustainable development of cobalt and copper mining and human rights protections.
Our Clean Cobalt & Copper Framework aims to deliver high levels of responsible cobalt and copper production, value chain assurance, and improved living conditions for local communities near our Metalkol RTR operation. The framework comprises seven goals:
- Compliance with the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Mineral Supply Chains from Conflict-Affected and High Risk Areas
- Our cobalt and copper is sourced without child labour
- Clean cobalt and copper is traceable
- Clean cobalt and copper is not sourced from artisanal and small-scale mining
- Restoring the environment
- Collaborating to promote sustainable development
- Leading our industry towards more sustainable cobalt and copper value chains
In 2020, Metalkol RTR also committed to the Responsible Minerals Assurance Process (RMAP) of the Responsible Minerals Initiative and our annual Clean Cobalt & Copper Performance Report will serve as our Step 5 report for this process. In addition, RMAP includes a Step 6 on Community Participation which we apply at Metalkol RTR through processes including stakeholder engagement, participatory rural appraisals, community, development initiatives, local economic opportunities and a community grievance mechanism. These actions are helping support Metalkol to become one of the world’s foremost cobalt-copper producers.