Human Rights

Responsibility - a key driver for our global Group

We have bolstered our “Children Out of Mining” programme by partnering with Pact, an international development organisation. Its human rights training programme is a great help to our security teams and their interaction with local communities.

As a responsible cobalt and copper producer in the DRC, we are acutely aware that the negative impacts of illegal and irresponsible artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM)-related child labour and other human rights challenges are of intense international concern. So, along with other actors in the metals value chain, we make every effort to ensure our metal supply chains are not contributing to – and are untainted by – these serious issues.

To minimise our negative impacts on host communities, our Group Human Rights Policy includes respecting the rights, cultural heritage and customs of local communities. We engage with them to assess the potential impact of our activities – including a focus on risks, impacts, remediation, mitigation and monitoring. If resettlement is unavoidable, we constructively engage with the affected communities in line with relevant laws and international standards, including the International Finance Corporation (IFC) Performance Standards.