Metalkol RTR joins Cobalt Institute

Publication: Engineering News

Date: 9 January 2019

By: Tasneem Bulbulia

Eurasian Resources Group’s Metalkol RTR reprocessing plant is now a member of the Cobalt Institute.

Metalkol RTR is a major reprocessing plant for historic cobalt and copper tailings from previous mining operations in the Haut-Katanga province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

The hydrometallurgical facility is set to become a significant producer of clean cobalt globally.

At full capacity, Metalkol RTR will be able to supply over 120 000 t/y of copper cathode and 24 000 t/y of cobalt, volumes sufficient to build more than three-million electric vehicles a year.

The project is nearing completion and is expected to reach initial production rates early in 2019.

The Cobalt Institute is a nonprofit trade association composed of cobalt producers, users, recyclers and traders. It promotes the sustainable and responsible production and use of cobalt in all its forms.