Our News

Employee-Training Centre at Metalkol RTR

Metalkol RTR’s training agenda is framed by the transition of the project from construction to commissioning. In this context, the Human Resources team undertook an extensive recruitment campaign in 2018, which included the integration of individuals from local villages and Kolwezi city for lower-skilled roles, and the recruitment of Congolese nationals and expatriates into higher-skilled…

Metalkol RTR Clean Cobalt Performance Report

Metalkol RTR, our cobalt and copper tailings reprocessing operation in the DRC, has released its performance report as part of Eurasian Resources Group’s commitment under the Clean Cobalt Framework. The annual report, which was assured by independent auditors, PwC, tracks the important progress that Metalkol RTR has delivered against the seven goals that were put…

Metalkol RTR’s Industrial Hygiene Programme

ERG Africa first launched its Industrial Hygiene Programme at Frontier Mine in December 2017, after which Boss Mining and Chambishi Metals implemented it in 2018. In June this year, Metalkol RTR followed in the others’ footsteps. The programme is aimed at eliminating occupational illness and creating workplaces that promote well-being. We monitor the environment for…

Nationals vs Expats soccer match on DRC’s Independence Day

30 June marked the 59th anniversary of the DRC’s independence. True to their team spirit, our colleagues at Metalkol RTR celebrated the day with an energetic soccer match between the nationals and expats. The nationals won with a final score of 4-2. The DRC faces a range of important social and economic challenges. Central to…