Our News

20201231_ERGA Investing News_Our News_Cobalt Forecast 2021_CEOs Optimistic about Future EV Demand

Investing News – Mining Executives share their 2021 cobalt forecast

Reflections on major cobalt trends in 2020 and a look at the year ahead.

ERG supports Fund for the Prevention of Child Labour in Mining Communities

Groundbreaking multi-stakeholder initiative to address child labour in DRC mining communities.

Intelligent Transport – The Future of Electric Mobility Hinges on Sustainable Batteries

Achieving a responsible battery supply chain is crucial to the longevity of electric vehicles as a solution to creating a greener future.

Mining Review Africa – Mining Elites 2020: Going Above and Beyond runner-up

ERG remains firmly committed to socio-economic upliftment in the DRC and the African continent in general.